Effectiveness of Policies in the Adoption of Electric Vehicles
APEEN, in partnership with the Asociación Española para la Economía Energética (AEEE) and the Regional Delegation of the Center and Alentejo (DRCA) of the Order of Economists, is organizing the seminar “Effectiveness of Policies in the Adoption of Electric Vehicles” on December 11th, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The event will take place at the Auditorium of the Order of Economists' headquarters and online via Zoom (link to be provided).
The event will feature a debate session led by Jorge Vasconcelos, Chairman of NEWES – New Energy Solutions, with guest speakers Patrick Plötz from the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Cristina Pinto Dias, Secretary of State for Mobility, and Pablo Fría, PhD in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Pontificia Comillas, specializing in renewable energy integration and smart grids.
The opening session will be led by Ana Brochado, President of the DRCA of the Order of Economists; Hugo Lucas, President of AEEE; and Jorge Sousa, President of APEEN. The closing session will be conducted by António Mendonça, President of the Order of Economists.
Registration is free but mandatory for all APEEN members and non-members, through the following link: https://shorturl.at/cqeRW
Call for Papers: Energy Flexibility for a Just Transition
The APEEN invites researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals to participate in the Conference on Energy Flexibility for a Just Transition, which will take place at the Covilhã, Portugal, nos dias 10 e 11 de abril de 2025.
This event aims to promote a debate on energy flexibility as a fundamental pillar for a fair and inclusive energy transition. Join us to discuss innovative solutions, share research findings, and explore strategies to achieve a sustainable energy future.
Important Deadlines
- Deadline for Abstracts:December 2nd 2024
- Deadline for Short PapersFebruary 17th 2025
- Deadline for Early Bird Registration:March 10th 2025
We have the pleasure to present:
- Award for Best Student Paper
- Young Researcher Award
Submission Guidelines
Extended abstracts should be submitted through the Microsoft CMT platform by December 2nd 2024, following the template and guidelines available on the event website.
For more information and details on submissions, visit: apeen25.gapeer.ubi.pt
As guest speaker, the President of the APEEN, Prof. Jorge Sousa, participated in the panel “Iberian Peninsula and Brazil: leading territories in the transition to clean energy”, of the EVExLisboa2024, which took place at the Rectory of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa on October 8th and 9th.
In addition to the intervention of APEEN on “The importance of demand flexibility in the energy transition: Application to the Portuguese case considering the PNEC 2030”, the panel included contributions from Teresa Ponce de Leao (LNEG – Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P.), Thiago Prado (Empresa de Pesquisa Energética) and Marisete Fátima Dadald Pereira (ABRAGE – Associação Brasileira das Empresas Geradoras de Energia Elétrica), with the excellent moderation of João Torres (Associação Portuguesa da Energia).
Our thanks to Caio César Cavalcanti, CEO of EVEx, for inviting us to participate in yet another highly successful edition of this prestigious event that brings together the main players in the energy sector in Portugal and Brazil.
MIBEL Conference
The President of APEEN, Prof. Jorge Sousa, participated on October 1st in the conference “MIBEL in the context of European market design” which celebrates the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Agreement between Portugal and Spain that, in 2004, created the Iberian Electricity Market.
The conference also aimed to discuss the challenges facing electricity markets at national, Iberian, European and global levels.
8th GO-P2P Event on Scaling Local Energy Markets
The President of APEEN participated in the 8th GO-P2P Event, dedicated to the expansion of local energy markets. This event was organized in collaboration with NOVA School of Law and NOVA IMS Information Management School, with funding from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.
The event provided a valuable platform to discuss strategies and innovations needed to drive the scalability of local energy markets,promoting knowledge sharingamong specialists. da área.
APEEN remains committed to actively participating in events that contribute to sustainable development and innovation in the energy sector.
APEEN Signs Joint Declaration on Energy Transition
On World Energy Day, APEEN is proud to announce its participation in the signing of the Joint Declaration on Energy Transition. Responding positively to the initiative of the Portuguese Energy Association, the President of APEEN was present at the Signing Ceremony, held at the Belém Cultural Center (CCB).
The Joint Declaration emphasizes the commitment of the 21 participating associations to promote an effective, fair and sustainable energy transition. This document reflects our dedication to working with other entities to address energy challenges and move towards a greener and more equitable future.
Read the full Declaration here.
National Meeting of Economics and Management Students
The President of APEEN, Jorge Sousa, was present at ENEEG – National Meeting of Economics and Management Students, promoted by the University of Beira Interior.
During the roundtable held on Friday, February 23, 2024, alongside Professor Clemente Pedro Nunes and Engineer Tiago Simão (E-REDES), they discussed the topic of "Energy planning in systems with high integration of renewable sources."
APEEN is proud to participate in events that promote discussions on the future of energy planning, particularly in environments with significant integration of renewable sources.
Repowering through local co-financing: the road ahead for a just transition in wind energy in Portugal
On January 31st, the President of APEEN was present at the event “Repowering through local co-financing: the road ahead for a just transition in wind energy in Portugal”, promoted by the European project JustWind4All.
This event was a valuable opportunity to discuss future paths for a just transition in wind energy in Portugal. APEEN had the privilege of participating and reinforcing its commitment as a strategic partner in the JustWind4All project.
APEEN's participation highlights the relevance we give to initiatives that drive a fair and sustainable energy transition.
Energy Economics International Conference (EEIC 2023)
A conferência anual da Associação Portuguesa de Economia da Energia (APEEN), Energy Economics International Conference (EEiC2023), terá lugar nos dias 2 e 3 de novembro no ISEL – Instituto Superior De Engenharia De Lisboa.
As sessões plenárias da EEiC2023 contam com a participação de oradores de reconhecido prestígio internacional.
Artificial intelligence applications in the energy sector
2 novembro | 9:30-10:30
Unlocking citizens participation in a sustainable energy future
2 novembro | 11:00-12:00
Geopolitics of the energy transition
2 novembro | 12:00-13:00
Hydrogen infrastructures challenges at EU level
3 novembro | 9:30-10:30
PNEC 2030 – Are we setting energy and climate targets right?
3 novembro | 11:00-12:30
Inscrições abertas até dia 26 de outubro em eeic2023.isel.pt
Energy Economics International Conference (EEIC 2023)
A conferência anual da Associação Portuguesa de Economia da Energia (APEEN), Energy Economics International Conference (EEiC2023), terá lugar nos dias 2 e 3 de novembro no ISEL – Instituto Superior De Engenharia De Lisboa.
As sessões plenárias da EEiC2023 contam com a participação de oradores de reconhecido prestígio internacional.
Artificial intelligence applications in the energy sector
2 novembro | 9:30-10:30
Unlocking citizens participation in a sustainable energy future
2 novembro | 11:00-12:00
Geopolitics of the energy transition
2 novembro | 12:00-13:00
Hydrogen infrastructures challenges at EU level
3 novembro | 9:30-10:30
PNEC 2030 – Are we setting energy and climate targets right?
3 novembro | 11:00-12:30
Inscrições abertas até dia 26 de outubro em eeic2023.isel.pt
Energy Economics International Conference (EEIC 2023)
The Portuguese Association for Energy Economics (APEEN) and the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) are calling to submissions to the Energy Economics International Conference (EEIC2023) / 7th APEEN Annual Conference, which will be held in ISEL, Lisbon, on November 2-3, 2023.
We welcome papers on a variety of energy-related topics from students, academics, researchers, professionals and experts from the business, government, regulatory and research communities.
Submission Information:
- Short papers of 4 to 5 pages, following the guidelines available on the conference page (see Authors section).
- Papers can present completed research or preliminary results.
- Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for other conference or publication.
- All papers accepted will be published in the conference proceedings (with ISBN).
- Authors of selected papers would be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals that might be associated with the conference.
Important Dates:
- Paper submission: August 5, 2023
- Paper notification of acceptance: September 10, 2023
- Revised paper submission: September 30, 2023
- Early registration: September 30, 2023
- EEIC2023 conference: November 2-3, 2023
Student Opportunities:
Papers that are based on work done and presented primarily by one or more students are eligible for the Best Student Paper Award. Authors of submissions that fit this criterion will be contacted for award nominations.
For detailed information visit the conference website at eeic2023.isel.pt.
Eight Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics (ME3)
APEEN is pleased to announce that the ME3 meeting took place on the 8th in hybrid mode, with the participation of João Pedro Gouveia from CENSE – Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research as keynote speaker.
The meeting provided a valuable opportunity for experts from various fields to come together and discuss the latest advances in energy and environmental research.
The best presentation by master's or doctoral students was awarded by APEEN to Connor Guilherme with a cash prize of €250.
The event featured scientific sessions and a round table with key stakeholders to discuss energy poverty.
Eight Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics (ME3)
APEEN invites you to participate in the Eighth Meeting on Energy Economy and the Environment (ME3), which will take place in hybrid mode on May 8th, 2023 by GOVCOPP and DEGEIT at the University of Aveiro.
The best presentation by master's or doctoral students will be awarded by APEEN with a cash prize of €250.
This international event aims to share experiences and results from the scientific and business community interested in energy savings and the environment.
ME3 is particularly interested in attracting Masters and PhD students to present their work. The event will feature scientific sessions and a round table with key stakeholders to discuss energy poverty.
The event featured scientific sessions and a round table with key stakeholders to discuss energy poverty.
You can send Short Papers (max. 5 pages) and Long Abstracts (max. 2 pages) until April 30th, 2023,on topics such as macroeconomic events and energy, renewable energy, environmental sustainability and much more to email degei-me3@ua.pt..
Smart Grids and Power Transfer to the Consumer
E-REDES and the University of Beira Interior – Nucleus of Studies in Business Sciences, organize the conference “Smart Networks and Transfer of Power to the Consumer”.
The initiative, whose objective is to analyze the role of networks in the Energy Transition, is part of the Cycle of Conferences "Networks for the Energy Transition" and is born out of a partnership between E-REDES, the newspaper "Negócios" and leading universities, including where the UBI is located.
The fourth conference of the cycle is scheduled for March 21 (Tuesday) between 2:00 p.m. and 5:20 p.m., at the Faculty of Health Sciences (Grand Auditorium) and features Prof. António Cardoso Marques, Full Professor at UBI and Vice-President of APEEN.
Perspectives for the Design of the Electricity Market
On Thursday, January 26th, the seminar “Perspectives for the Design of the Electricity Market” will be held at ERSE.
The president of APEEN, Jorge Sousa, will participate as moderator of the third panel.
More info: shorturl.at/mqEFW
Energy Markets and Energy Transition: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives
Current Challenges and Future Perspectives”
The event takes place in the Auditorium of the National Headquarters of the Order of Engineers and on the Zoom Platform.
You can consult the program and register at the link: https://www.ordemengenheiros.pt/pt/agenda/mercados-de-energia-e-transicao-energetica/?fbclid=IwAR2Mmd8s2w324mlqJMP2pZ2VoXTpubeARByaOfd_njtGedKiQXgZO50-1g4u=https://www.ordemengenheiros.pt/pt/agenda/mercados-de-energia-e-transicao-energetica/?fbclid=IwAR2Mmd8s2w324mlqJMP2pZ2VoXTpubeARByaOfd_njtGedKiQXgZO50-1g4/
Security and price formation in MIBEL: rules and lessons
The event takes place at the Rectory of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
You can consult the program and other information at the link: https://www.evex.energy/?fbclid=IwAR0IOx_0HIIPLf-YmR5GymcTOBegE6xcLO3kbouBqSXD4XK6Yzm1BLamfL8u=https://www.evex.energy/?fbclid=IwAR0IOx_0HIIPLf-YmR5GymcTOBegE6xcLO3kbouBqSXD4XK6Yzm1BLamfL8/
Challenges and opportunities of the energy transition for industry
At 11 am, the thematic panel “Energy and Sustainability” will begin, where he will make his presentation on the “Challenges and opportunities of the energy transition for industry”.
You can consult the program at the link: https://abc69c9c60.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/…/JM%202022%20…/
Energy Sustainability – the hydrogen opportunity
ISEL, entitled “Energy Sustainability – the hydrogen opportunity”
The event will take place in person, in auditorium A of ISEL and will have the participation of APEEN – Portuguese Association for Energy Savings and GSYF – Energy Equipment. Registration is free but mandatory: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSds0qt3ch3XKVC5Wo_RwquBzXhd5slyqz-_dQs5LamsNvaY_A/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1Udc0jYuO8UttDyYvbpMFIZHjPr2meUn9J4Gy1hdLtnjGV3Gsh0OGLyxo/
Indústria e Ambiente Journal
ICEE 2022 Conference
APEEN special session
June 7, 2022 | 4 pm
Webinar – Energy on the Demand Side
Webinar – Energy on the Demand Side
June 7, 2022 | 4 pm
European Green Deal – Challenges and opportunities
March 8-17, 2022 | 5-7 PM
Association webinars: Energy Poverty at EU level – drivers, consequences and inspirational local case for addressing it
February 28, 2022 | 15:00-16:00 Portugal
Speaker: Dr. João Pedro Gouveia (FCT NOVA)
Register in advance for this webinar: https://lnkd.in/eyiSD6D6
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
APEEN Conference 2022
Sustainable Energy Challenges
During the 3rd and 4th of February, APEEN held its 6th Conference. In this edition, more than 20 presentations, under the theme Sustainable Energy Challenges, were held. Also delivered was Young Researcher Award from APEEN to the winner Marcos Tenente with the article entitled “Eco-efficiency assessment of the electricity sector: Evidence from 28 European Union countries”, co-authored with Carla Henriques and Patrícia Pereira da Silva.
APEEN Conference 2022
Sustainable Energy Challenges
Call for papers
Short papers using the conference template (max. 5 pages) can be submitted until 20th Novermber 2021 using the following email: formacao@bureauveritas.com
More information: https://www.ua.pt/pt/apeen/call-for-papers
APEEN Conference 2022
Sustainable Energy Challenges
Young Researcher Award
The Young Researcher Award aims to award scientifically relevant works in Energy Economics by young researchers. Consult the Regulation: https://mcusercontent.com/…/Regulamento_Pre_mio_APEEN.pdf
APEEN Conference 2022
Sustainable Energy Challenges
Call for papers
Short papers using the conference template (max. 5 pages) can be submitted until 15th Novermber 2021 using the following emai: degeit-apeen2022@ua.pt
More information: https://www.ua.pt/pt/apeen/call-for-papers
APEEN Conference 2022
Sustainable Energy Challenges
Keynote Speakers
Professor Eyup Dogan, University of Sharjah | Challenges for Renewable Energy in Europe
Professor Elena Verdolini, Università degli Studi di Brescia | Digitalization and Decarbonization
More information: https://www.ua.pt/pt/apeen/keynote
APEEN Conference 2022
Sustainable Energy Challenges
The 6th APEEN conference aims to join leading academic scientists, researchers, innovators and business and social stakeholders, through an interdisciplinary context to present, share and discuss the most recent experiences, research results, innovations and ideas around the multiple themes on Sustainable Energy Challenges. It aims to strengthen ties among academia, industry, regulators, authorities and policy makers, as a contribution to achieve sustainable and carbon neutral energy systems.
The 6th Annual APEEN Conference is organized by GOVCOPP (Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies ) from Universidade de Aveiro.
The conference will be in person. However, there will be some academic sessions that will work online for authors who want to present their work in this format.For more information: https://www.ua.pt/pt/apeen/index
November 16th

The Energy Transition in the Electric System of Brazil

5th ICEE – Energy & Environment: Bringing together Economics and Engineering
Special APEEN Session at the 5th ICEE

WEBINAR APEEN: Green hydrogen and other renewable gases
WEBINAR APEEN: Tourism, Energy and Environment


Energy Transition and Sustainability Conference
5th Annual Conference
Seminar “The Energy Mix – Between the desirable strategy and the possible strategy”
On February 21, 2019, the seminar “The Energy Mix between the Desirable Strategy and the Possible Strategy” was held at the Faculty of Economics of Porto. This seminar was part of an already vast series of national and international initiatives promoted by APEEN with a view to promoting collaboration between people and institutions interested in the Energy Economy area. The event was very successful, immediately sold out in terms of capacity, and also due to the interest and participation of the public in the debate.
The proposed theme could not be more current and urgent. The 2030 Investment Plan for the Energy area, which is part of the European decarbonisation strategy, involves several components whose coherence, feasibility and effectiveness require an informed and multifaceted debate since it involves, among others, the PT 2030 – National Strategy for Portugal Post 2020, the PNEC – Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan and others such as the PNPOT – National Program for Spatial Planning Policy and the RNC2050 – Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050.
More information at: http://APEEN-ME3.eeg.uminho.pt and https://ebooks.uminho.pt/index.php/uminho/catalog/book/3
Annual APEEN Conference
The 6th Meeting on Economics of Energy and the Environment on the 29th of May in Aveiro and was organized by the University of Aveiro and GOVCOPP and DEGEIT.
The conference had the special participation of Flávio Menezes from the School of Economics at The University of Queenslan.
More information at: http://www.ua.pt/degeit/me3/
4th Annual APEEN Conference
4th Annual Conference of the Portuguese Association of Energy Economics (APEEN) took place at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã between the 17th and 18th of October.
The Conference focused on the theme: “Energy Demand-Side Management and Electricity Markets”.
3rd APEEN conference & 5th Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics – ME3

2017 Annual APEEN Conference
The 2017 Annual Conference of the Portuguese Association for Energy Economics was organized by APEEN and the Department of Economics at ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon.
The conference was divided into 4 sessions and a special session co-organized with the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation/PORDATA to present the development of energy and carbon indicators developed by the APEEN research team.
More information: http://apeen2017.iscte-iul.pt/index.html
New sub-topic in PORDATA for the responsibility of the work team of APEEN members
A new sub-theme in PORDATA, called Energy Economy, developed by a work team that involved APEEN associates, was presented at the 2017 APEEN Annual Conference, which took place at ISCTE, in Lisbon, on May 9, 2017.
The team responsible for proposing and preparing new indicators on Energy Economy was made up of APEEN associates Marta Ferreira Dias, Mara Madaleno, Margarita Robaina and Júlia Seixas.
Energy is one of the determining factors in the competitiveness of economic activities and the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions. In the last two decades, the need to evaluate the efficiency in the use of energy and alternative energy options with less impact on climate change has increased significantly.
Energy saving indicators are simple and effective instruments that show the evolution of economic activity sectors, in terms of energy use and generated emissions: for example, a decreasing evolution of energy and carbon intensity (less energy consumed or less emissions generated, per unit of value produced, respectively) means that it increases energy efficiency and the decarbonisation of economic activity.
On the contrary, a growing evolution of indicators over time points to the need to adopt more efficient and cleaner options with regard to energy use. Given that the consumption of electricity from a renewable source has been pointed out as one of the most cost-effective options to improve the efficiency and decarbonisation of economic activities, the indicator relating to electrical intensity is an instrument to be taken into account.
More information on the Energy Economy subtopic can be consulted on the PORDATA website.
2017 Annual APEEN Conference
The 4th Energy and Environmental Economics Meeting – ME3 organized by the Portuguese Association of Energy Economics (APEEN) and the Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP) which will be held at DEGEIT at the University of Aveiro on the 21st and 22nd of September from 2017.
ME3 is an international meeting that aims to share experiences and results by the scientific and business community whose interests are the Economy of Energy and the Environment.
The event will have parallel scientific sessions and an afternoon of company presentations
More information: http://apeen2017.iscte-iul.pt/index.html
Active Management of Energy Demand: Efficiency and Response – GAPEER'17
The demand for the growing integration of renewable sources in power generation systems, compliance with international agreements in the area of the environment and the guarantee of continuity of supply at affordable costs for the economy as a whole lead us to the need to think, consider and act on the side the active management of energy demand, both in terms of efficiency and demand response.
This was the main focus of the debate forum/conference at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, on the 20th and 21st of April 2017. Active Management of Energy Demand: Efficiency and Response – GAPEER’17.
More information: http://apeen2017.iscte-iul.pt/index.html
Energy for Sustainability 2017 – Sustainable Cities: Designing Cities and Communities for the Future
More information: https://www.efs2017.uc.pt/index.php?module=sec&id=438&f=1
3rd Energy and Environment Economy Meeting

VII AERNA Congress

Portugal 2030: Thinking about the Agenda for the energy transition

Seminar “Economics of Electric Mobility”

Iberian Congress on Energy Savings EEIC