Young Researcher Award
7th APEEN Annual Conference/ EEIC2023
APEEN awarded Young Researcher Award to Pedro Palma in the 7th APEEN Annual Conference/EEIC2023, which took place on the 2nd and 3rd of November 2023, organized by APEEN and ISEL.
The prize corresponded to a monetary value of €1000.
Best presentation award by Master or PhD student
7th APEEN Annual Conference/ EEIC2023
APEEN awarded the prize to Inês Azevedo for Best presentation by Masters or PhD students in the 7th APEEN Annual Conference/EEIC2023, which took place on the 2nd and 3rd of November 2023, organized by APEEN and ISEL.
Young Researcher Award
Monetary value of €1000
We announce the APEEN Young Researcher Award, with a value of 1000€.!
This award aims to recognize scientifically relevant work in Energy Economics carried out by young researchers.
If you meet the requirements, submit your article by October 20, 2023 via email to premio@apeen.pt..
Best presentation award by Master or PhD student
8th ME3 Meeting

APEEN awarded the prize to Connor Guilherme for Best presentation by Masters or PhD students in the 8th ME3 meeting, which took place on May 8, 2023 in a hybrid format organized by APEEN, GOVCOPP and IAEE.

The prize corresponded to a cash value of €250. The award-winning presentation included “A GLOBAL REVIEW OF SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING IN THE ENERGY SECTOR”.

Young Researcher Award
6th APEEN Annual Conference

Young Researcher Award
7th APEEN Annual Conference

- Young researcher award (7th MEETING ON ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS – ME3): Rafaela Vital Caetano, with the article: “What is the role of foreign direct investment in energy transition? An analysis of OECD countries”.
Young Researcher Award: Patrícia Hipólito Leal, University of Beira Interior – UBI, with the article: “Are de jure and de facto globalization undermining the environment? Evidence from high and low globalized EU countries”.
- Best article/presentation award: Fátima Lima, University of Porto, with the presentation: “Energy as an explanatory variable of health expenditures”.

Young Researcher Award
4th Annual APEEN Conference

Young Researcher Award
3rd Annual APEEN Conference

First prize: Susana Gonçalves

Second prize: Stepanov Ilya

Third prize: Yvonne Vogt Gwerder
IAEE Student Awards

First prize: Pedro Palma

Second prize: Rita Mendonça

Third prize: Helder Marques
IAEE Student Awards
- Mara Madaleno
- Tiago Oliveira
- João Pedro Gouveia